Having a firm grip on your weapon is serious business and that's why we've developed Grip Assist. Wherever you need some extra tactile security, just add some Grip Assist to it.
Every application will be different. Only you know where you need the extra grip. It makes a lot of sense to have reliable texture on the literal grip of your pistol or AR-15 rifle, but other locations that might prove helpful include any areas that require racking or holding, such as the pistol slide or an AR-15 charging handle. We like to cover the forend of our shotgun to make the pump or slide-action easier to handle.
We've also been known to add a little grip to our magazines as well. From the front and back are good locations, as well as the bottom where the surface is exposed. Any touch point where your fingers or palm of your hand make contact with the surface qualifies as a good location to add some Grip Assist to. The extra friction will work to your advantage so your hand doesn't slip or loose a hold of the item.
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