I'd be interested in designing skins. I'm a tattoo artist/artist and a gun lover. I'd love to design some BAD ASS SKINS with you guys. My contact info is mterrill420@gmail.com
I noticed that the AR mags have way more and cooler skins available then the AK mags do. I really like the Mandalorian ones, would you be able to make them for the ak mags
That's a good point. To be honest, if the AK-47 sold even half as many as the AR-15, we would offer it in more patterns. Same with the AR-10, they're just drops in the bucket when compared to the market for the AR-15.
Man I really wish you did custom prints I know alot of guys in my club would love to get our colors on their guns and mags
I'd be interested in designing skins. I'm a tattoo artist/artist and a gun lover. I'd love to design some BAD ASS SKINS with you guys. My contact info is mterrill420@gmail.com
I noticed that the AR mags have way more and cooler skins available then the AK mags do. I really like the Mandalorian ones, would you be able to make them for the ak mags
That's a good point. To be honest, if the AK-47 sold even half as many as the AR-15, we would offer it in more patterns. Same with the AR-10, they're just drops in the bucket when compared to the market for the AR-15.
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