When it comes to camouflage, most people think of hunting in the woods, sitting in a tree for hours on end. The need for concealment, however, has a far more reaching impact than mere sport. Modern warfare utilizes camouflage in all areas of combat, and in every branch in the military. When life or death dance in the battlefield, the right camouflage can tip the balance.
Vietnam Tiger Stripe is the name of the camouflage pattern developed for close-range use in dense jungle during jungle warfare by the South Vietnamese Armed Forces/US Forces in the 1970's. It derives its name from its resemblance to a tiger's stripes. It features narrow stripes that look like brush-strokes of green and brown, and broader brush-strokes of black printed over a lighter shade of olive or khaki.
This classic camouflage pattern has historical roots and is still something of a fan favorite. Perhaps its use has shifted from effective concealment and to more of a political or personal statement. Vietnam veterans among us might feel honored to see or receive a memento wrapped in Vietnam Tiger Stripe. It's a great way to show them that they are not forgotten and that their sacrifice is appreciated.
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