A-TACS AUX was designed for urban and arid environments. The unique feature about this camo is that the colors blend in to a wide range of environments. While some patterns are exclusively designed for specialized locations, the A-TACS AUX pattern can blend in successfully against rock, sand, bark, and brush. The majority of the color pallet used in the AUX pattern contain hues of brown and tan with hints of yellow throughout.
It's amazing to see how the colors morph and alter in appearance when set against different backdrops. It's never the same appearance in two difference environments. That's the power of concealment. A-TACS has the following to say regarding their patterns:
"Our goal from day one has been and continues to be Total Concealment and protection for the operator. From head to toe. We work continuously to help develop and bring to market, products and ideas to meet that goal. From weapon coatings to fully camouflaged footwear and accessories, we strive to deliver A Total Concealment Solution."
While A-TACS AUX may not be the first digital tactical camouflage pattern to hit the market, it's set apart from any other pattern because of the fluidity in design. Digital camouflage is characterized by the use of square pixels. In contrast the designers at A-TACS took inspiration from nature itself to create a more organic and geographically accurate design. The pattern is able to give the illusion of shape, depth, shadow, and form. These blend in to the environment much better than hard lines and sharp color breaks.
The use of color in this pattern is not at all artificial. The pallet was carefully constructed using photographs of on-location tactical environments. Better yet, A-TACS use of micro and macro patterns gives the camouflage the upper hand when viewed up close and at a distance. The organic shapes are created digitally using mathematical algorithms. The color shapes are so fine and distributed in such a way that there is variety virtually everywhere. This again replicates nature in that any one color in appearance is really comprised of many color samples on a small scale. The Arid/Urban (AUX) improves on the foundation set from the original AU pattern in every way.
1 comment
Unfortunately the actual ATACS AU from Gunskins is 90% greens and a bit of beige with no brown or mud/earth tones as shown above. I bought two packages from gunskins and the color is not anywhere near the brownish nature of true ATACS AU and doesn't match ATACS AU clothing or gear. It is mostly green. Very disappointed.
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