Once an order has been shipped, it is the customer's responsibility to monitor the tracking number to ensure successful delivery. USPS provides Expected Delivery Dates for domestic orders, which is calculated using the origin and destination of your package. Unfortunately, delivery on a specific day is not guaranteed. The only shipping method that offers a guaranteed delivery date is Priority Mail Express.
If you've been following the tracking number from the USPS website and feel like there's a lack of information, it could be a result of USPS failing to scan the package at every checkpoint. They are required to scan the item at least two times: once at pickup and again during delivery. Occasionally, there may be a legitimate delay for reasons we cannot foresee.
Our first course of action is to give USPS the benefit of the doubt and allow them to make good on their promise to deliver the package. If 7 business days have passed without delivery, please contact us.
For future orders, if you wish to receive your order by a certain date, guaranteed, we recommend selecting Priority Mail Express as the shipping method.
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